A woman after the heart of God to turn the heart of nations.

Rev. Christine Chavis is a dynamic preacher/teacher whose real and relevant style of ministering the gospel reaches across cultural and socioeconomic lines. Her unique ability to authentically communicate with transparency and boldness has become the hallmark of her ministry. Recognized for a strong prayer mantle, she is a prolific prophetic voice that ignites others to seek the presence of God where deliverance, healing, and birthing inaugurates change.
Rev. Chavis has garnered more than 20 years of experience in various capacities within Christian ministry, corporate and community sectors. As a keen visionary she has a passion for bridging gaps within our churches, schools and communities and has been instrumental in helping others to give birth to their dreams. In 2012 she launched Christine Chavis Ministries to further fulfill her Kingdom assignments through teaching, preaching, prayer and evangelizing within communities and the marketplace.
In 2013, Rev. Chavis faced the loss of her beloved father. It was during this devastating time while seeking God for strength and direction that the vision and pulse for her ministry became clearer. The spirit of God led her to Malachi 4:6, “And he shall turn the heart of fathers to their children, and the heart of the children to their fathers”. This revelation has since become the breakthrough and cornerstone for her ministry and life. Today, the vision and mandate of the assignments of Christine Chavis is to revive, restore and reconcile souls to God in pursuit of their life’s purpose transformed for Kingdom service.
As prayer became the incubator and foundation for all things Christine Chavis, prayer was the driving force that led to the launching of the Global Prayer Impact Network™ prayer ministry with the vision to revive and nurture the discipline of prayer. Building Up Daughters (BUDS) was founded to provide leadership, mentorship and cultural awareness to young girls and women who aspire development, leadership and community. Having a desire and unique anointing to ignite one’s destiny calling; Destiny Now, a coaching and leadership platform, was launched to help others discover meaning and live a fulfilled life pursuing their God ordained purpose.
Rev. Chavis is licensed Minister and ordained Elder under the Greater New Psalmist Baptist Church (Toledo, OH), Bishop Brehon Hall, Sr. Pastor/Founder. She serves with Global United Fellowship of Churches under the auspices of the His Grace, Bishop Neil C. Ellis (Nassau, Bahamas), Presiding Prelate, her ministerial covering and spiritual father. She has studied Business Management with a concentration in Accountancy and Organizational Management.
Among many roles she is a woman of distinction who walks in generous grace inspiring and leading others to seek the Lord and live efficaciously pursing their God ordained purpose. Her daily vitamin for victorious living is Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”