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"We owe it to our youth to continue nourishing the roots that stem to womanhood ." - Christine Chavis

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"Teach the older women to live in a way that honors God….they should teach younger women to love their husbands and children, to live wisely and be pure…" Titus 3-5

As women, God has uniquely wired us to be producers.  Many of us are undiscovered and undocumented teachers, event planners, architects, chefs, caregivers, financial gurus not because of our paper credentials but because of our intrinsic ability to help, nurture, build, and birth.  Would you agree? WE ARE PHENOMENAL!!  


Building Up Daughters is committed to getting in touch with and embracing our WOMANLINESS! We strive to locate our true identity, OWN IT and evolve into women who love and serve God, ourselves, and others in a manner which nurtures life.     


Building Up Daughters (BUDS) was founded to provide young girls and women mentorship, leadership, and cultural awareness that foster an aptitude for service and leadership within the home, ministry and marketplace and encourage community and ecumenical service.

Stay connected!
Exciting things are underway!! 
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